Introduction To Air Filtration Testing and Commonly Used Test Methods

April 1 @ 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
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Introduction To Air Filtration Testing and Commonly Used Test Methods

April 1 @ 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Mr. Bob Burkhead, Mr. Ceri Rees and Mr. Evan Sparks

April 1, 2025 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. – EDT

Full Course (4 hours, .4 CEUs)

$475.00 AFS Members
$525.00 Non-members


About this Course:

This course is intended to introduce and give an inside look into the prominent air filtration testing standards. We will cover ASHRAE 52.2, ISO 16890, EN1822, ISO 29461, ISO 29463 and others. A guided tour of the test stands will be included as the course will take place on sight at Blue Heaven Technologies.


Learning Objectives –  After taking Liquid Filtration Testing Basics, the learner will understand:

  • Basic mechanisms of filtration
  • Duct qualification procedures (aerosol uniformity, velocity uniformity, etc)
  • Particle generation
  • Particle counting
  • Similarities, differences and nuances of the test standards


Who should attend:

Those new to the air filtration industry. Will also benefit those who have been in the industry but seek to further understand the principles of air filtration testing.



Bob Burkhead is the founder and “President Emeritus” of Blue Heaven Technologies. Since 1997, he has an extensive history in developing and testing air filtration products as well a wide range of global testing protocols.

Ceri Rees has been with Blue Heaven Technologies since 2018. He has extensive experience with ASHRAE 52.2, ISO 16890, ISO 29461 and EN779 amongst others.

Evan Sparks has been with Blue Heaven since 2016. He manages the High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) test lab. He oversees EN1822, ISO 29463 as well as all flat sheet media testing.



April 1
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm